Brimfield - The Great Change
Posted by Dave - White Water Antiques on 18th Apr 2023
Brimfield has been an antique show for many years. It’s a nationally known show that attracts buyers and sellers worldwide. This is the year when young buyers and sellers alike outnumbered the older more typical crowd. The people are not the only change. Older typical antiques were not as plentiful. New, exciting, savvy, and updated items were on display.
I waited at Hertan’s, a field now owned by a newer show promoter, to open. I was at a back entrance that was just mobbed with people, many younger people. Next to the gate was a live radio show announcer talking about Brimfield in general and Hertan’s in particular. Next to him was a newer wine and beer-tasting tent. The excitement and crowd size reminded me of the 1980s. The gates opened to enthusiastic shoppers. The young crowd had arrived, and the younger dealers were more than happy to help.
I was glad to see the change. For too many years I had heard that young people don’t care or understand. No, they don’t want the same tired treasures but seek out their own historic items of interest.
I welcome that change and respect the process that younger buyers bring. Wake up and smell those younger roses. We have knocked the younger generation for too long. That generation has arrived and will do well.