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Hagerty silver care products

Hagerty Silversmiths Spray Polish 8.5 Oz

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Hagerty spray pollish is 8.5 oz. People often walk up to us at shows and say "we love your silver but it's too hard to clean". This Hagerty Silversmiths spray polish if for you. The convenient, time saving way to professionally clean, polish, and protect all sterling, silverplate, and gold. The product is especially effective for reaching intricate crevices and pattern work. Spray it on, wait 30 seconds and buff with a soft cloth.


  • Formulated for silver, silverplate and gold
  • Ideal for cleaning display silver, items with porous materials that cannot be rinsed and pieces with intricate pattern work
  • Contains a long-lasting tarnish preventative agent to keep items shining for months
  • Maintains patina
  • Simply spray and buff tarnish away without the hassle of rinsing
  • Certified Kosher

This spray polish is even more effective when used with our Hagerty horsehair brush for tiny crevices. 

Thanks from White Water Antiques.

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